Last Updated on February 1, 2024
How to Stop Sugar and Carb Cravings in Seconds
If you crave sugar, carbs, processed foods, or struggle with emotional eating, binge eating, or food addiction this post has all of my top tips that stop cravings quickly.
Long before I knew anything about nutrition, fitness, health, or how to help others I struggled with carbs, sugar cravings was a full blown food addict.
I personally know what it’s like to struggle. I professionally know how to stop sugar and carb cravings.
LEFT: Me personally struggling with cravings. RIGHT: Me professionally in complete control over food, off sugar, and without any cravings.
Learn more about My Story here
I know what really works and that’s why I’m sharing ALL of my top tips to help you stop struggling and start overcoming your cravings, too.
If you have random sugar cravings, if you have intense sugar or carbs cravings, or if you flat out feel addicted to processed junk foods crave food all the time, this post covers all of the above.
NOTE: If you crave something specific, like pickles for example, that can indicate a nutrient deficiency. These tips won’t help resolve cravings caused by nutrient deficiencies. The tips in this post stop sugar and carb cravings, specifically and exclusively.
Everything I’m about to share works, if you work it.
I’m going to start with the best tips that stop cravings, first, then I’m going to add on more tips, tricks, suggestions, and supplements proven to stop cravings, too.
5 Ways to Stop Sugar Cravings Quickly:
Start with the first tip, then work your way down. Please watch the video/read this entire post. It has everything you need to stop all cravings for sugar and carbs.
- Green Beans – Weird right?? Keep reading!
- Smart Substitutions for Sugar and Carbs
- Sour Tastes
- Banaba Leaf – This is the Best Supplement for Carb and Sugar Cravings (in my opinion) you can also use berberine…
- Your Thoughts
NOTE: This is going to sound weird… but hear me out.
This one weird trick helps stop sugar cravings quickly.
If you’re craving sugar eat green beans! Green beans can help stop sugar cravings (almost) instantly. There’s a phytochemical in green beans that helps stop cravings.
Weird right? Totally random, I know.
I remember hearing that for the first time from a lady in a health food store. At the time I was a full-blown food addict who was addicted to sugar and carbs.
I went to the health food store for help. And I got it.
A holistic, hippie-looking lady approached me. I told her I was addicted to carbs, sugar, and processed foods and asked for a supplement to stop my cravings.
She suggested a supplement (it’s the same one I share that below)…
As we were walking to find the supplement on the shelf together she said, “You know this supplement doesn’t work as well as green beans.”
Me: “Green beans stop cravings??”
Her: “Yeah, green beans help stop sugar cravings and work after a few seconds.”
Me: “Green beans???? Seriously?”
Her: “Yep. Try some the next time you have a craving. There’s a phytochemical compound in green beans that stops cravings instantly.”
Me: “Just green beans?”
Her: “Yep.”
Me: Silent, staring at her with a blank stare. I was standing there thinking there’s no way green beans will stop MY cravings. I was literally a food addict and struggled forever. I was desperate for help but confused by her suggestion.
I said, “Green beans work on sugar and carb cravings??? Like strong, intense once I pop I can’t stop kind of cravings???”
Her: laughing “Yes. Weird right? But it works. Just eat them out of a can. They work. I can’t remember what the phytochemical is, but I heard it once at a lecture and it works. Green beans are the best thing for sugar cravings. Do you like green beans?”
Me: “Yeah.” They were actually one of the few vegetables I did like at the time.
Her: “Then try it. You won’t need a lot. But I think it’ll help you.”
Me: “Ok, I will.”
She handed me the supplements (see below). I thanked her. I walked over to the canned goods section and bought a basket full of green beans.
Later that night, a craving hit, and I found myself walking to the pantry, per usual.
But this time instead of stuffing my face with carbs and sugary crap, I grabbed the green beans instead. I popped the top, drained them, and literally started shoveling them in my mouth the same way I used to binge eat sugary processed carbs. (Keep in mind I was a binge eating food addict… Once I started eating, it was like I was in my own personal Man Vs. Food contest…)
As I was eating them I thought they wouldn’t work. But after about a minute I had NO CRAVINGS FOR SUGAR OR CARBS. None.
One teeny tiny can of green beans stopped my sugar cravings in seconds, just like the lady said they would.
My jaw was on the floor. Normally I could eat literally bags, boxes, and cartons of carbs. I’d eat and eat and eat until the point where I was stuffed and felt gross.
But this single small can of green beans stopped me from feeling like I needed more food, my cravings were gone, and my desire to eat was gone, too.
For the first time in a long time, I had control over my food cravings.
This was also the first time I realized food wasn’t just food… Food is information that communicates to the body and mind. This single experience inspired my career and my obsession with learning how to eat to influence my body.
This is how I get people such incredible results. If I could go back in time and thank that lady I would. This was approximately 14 years ago… and I’ve been using it ever since.
Green beans stopped my cravings.
I’ve shared it with my clients… who think it’s weird, too by the way…
Green beans stop their cravings, too!
I have no idea which phytochemical in green beans works so well (there are 72 total).
Green beans have fiber (fiber tells your brain full) but SO many other foods have fiber, and they don’t work as well as green beans. Nothing stops cravings as well as green beans do.
Not just for me, either. Green beans have helped literally hundreds of my clients stop cravings, too. All of my tips work if you work them.
That’s why I’m sharing them with you!
The next time you’re craving sugar, eat green beans to stop your sugar cravings in seconds.
#1 BEST: Fresh, Raw Green Beans are the best choice for stopping cravings. Fresh beans have the most nutrients.
TIP: If your cravings are strong wash and prep green beans first. That way when a craving hits, you can eat them and don’t have to worry about preparing them.
TIP: Pre-packaged green beans (canned) and take them with you to control cravings away from home. (Work, school, travel, events, etc.)
NOTE: If you struggle with carbs and sugar cravings you won’t like the taste at first. Eat them anyway or use canned green beans to stop your cravings instead.
#2nd BEST: Frozen Green Beans
Frozen green beans work well for random, less intense cravings. You don’t have to worry about prepping them.
TIP: Keep some frozen green beans in your freezer. When a craving strikes, microwave a cup of beans with a few tablespoons of water until they’re done.
#3rd BEST: (recommended) Canned Green Beans (Bonus points if they’re Organic and in a BPA Free-Can)
If you’re a sugar addict or emotional eater trying to curb sugar cravings… canned green beans are a great tool to help break your sugar addiction and stop strong cravings quickly.
As a former sugar addict, I know(!!) sometimes you just can’t wait to thaw, cook, or prep fresh or frozen beans.
If you’re addicted to sugar or have intense cravings, popping the top of canned green beans is a great way to help break your addiction.
TIP: I recommend getting a few cans of green or french green beans and keeping a stash at home.
As much as you want until your cravings go away. Green beans are low in calories and high in fiber and nutrients so don’t worry about how much you eat. Just eat them and stop when you’re satisfied.
Sugar and carbs are addictive. They’re 8 times more addictive than hard drugs. If you’re in a habit of eating carbs green beans won’t ‘cure’ you. If you eat green beans and continue to eat carbs and sugar, you will continue to experience cravings.
The more carbs and sugar you consume, the more cravings you’ll have. You can use green beans to stop cravings. But only avoiding carbs and sugar stops cravings from coming back.
NOTE: If you use green beans (and other tips) and continue to eat carbs, sugar, and processed foods your body will adapt and the tips become less and less effective.
Green beans work best for ‘light’ less intense sugar and carb cravings.
Add on the following tips if you:
- Struggle with strong carb and sugar cravings
- If you crave sugar constantly
- If you always feel hungry
- If you simply don’t like or are allergic to green beans
If you crave sugar and carbs swap in fruits and vegetables instead. Fruits and vegetables have fiber. Fiber helps tell the brain “I’m full.” High fiber foods have carbs and help to stop cravings. Quitting cold turkey can make you feel nuts and can set you up for binge eating.
Yes, fruit has fructose. Fructose is fruit sugar. Fruit also has fiber and other phytochemicals and nutrients that help the body process the fructose.
TIP: Do not drink juice. Juice has sugar and no fiber. Juice causes sugar cravings and is not ideal for health or weight loss! Vegetable juice is ok! Fruit juice is not!
For other carb cravings swap in anything else that’s organic and contains fiber and zero added sugars.
Protein is also important for stopping cravings. Protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels and stop hunger and cravings for carbs.
There are 5 main ‘tastes’. They are sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami (aka savory). Sour, bitter tastes help reprogram tastes for sweet things. Sour and bitter tastes serve as a “warning.” The body perceives acidity or bitter taste as a potential toxin.
There is a ton of research showing that sour tastes can block the receptors in the brain responsible for causing cravings for simple sugars and carbs.
This is part of the reason why Apple Cider Vinegar is trending. ACV is bitter and can stop cravings. But ACV tastes nasty and can cause heartburn in people with acidity issues.
That’s why I recommend lemon water. That’s also part of the reason I created my Lemon Water Challenge.
- Use Apple Cider Vinegar. (dilute a half ounce in 3 oz. of water and drink it fast! Have a chaser ready! It’s nasty, potent stuff but it has other benefits… that’s why you hear about it everywhere. DO NOT use ACV if you have heartburn… it can make it worse)
- Take on my Lemon Water Challenge. It’s seriously the easiest detox you’ll ever do and helps stop sugar cravings.
- Squeeze fresh lemon juice on your meals to add fresh flavor and reduce cravings.
- Ask for extra lemon when you order at restaurants then add it to your water & food.
Banaba leaf supplements will help stop sugar cravings, too but because they’re encapsulated they take a little longer to take effect than green beans do.
Banaba is pronounced just like banana… but with a ‘b’ bah-nab-bah.
I used to carry banaba on trips and when I’m hormonal… in case my inner cookie monster manifested.
Banaba is a little known natural way to stop sugar cravings and not too many people know about it. A lot of people think it’s only good for balancing blood sugar (and it is) but it’s also good for sugar cravings.
I recommend Paradise Herbs Banaba Leaf on Amazon. This is the exact same banaba leaf I used that worked for me. This is what the bottle looks like.
You may be able to find banaba leaf at your local health food store. I can’t… I only have one time.
A step up from banaba is berberine. Berberine is a natural, plant derived source blood sugar stabilizer that also helps suppress cravings and hormonally induced cravings. You can learn more about what berberine is and why it’s great on the blog here.
Berberine is best for someone with ‘hard to break’ cravings, a history of emotional eating/binge eating, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, autoimmune issues, or stubborn fat due to metabolic dysfunction.
The berberine supplement that I recommend most is this one from Metagenics… because it’s pure (clean and made with quality ingredients) and potent (actually works). But also because it contains green tea which is necessary for the proper absorption and metabolism of the berberine. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you’re taking a supplement if you can’t absorb it. And if you can’t absorb it you won’t get the benefits.
A lot of other brands of berberine floating around are full of stimulants and fillers that do way more harm than good. So the berberine supplements you find on Amazon or online that aren’t coming from a reputable source are not recommended.
Metagenics berberine supplements are only available through credentialed practitioners (like me) and I’ve decided to make them available to my audience so you can get the benefits if needed…
Also, because I wish I would’ve had access to this back when I was struggling with sugar addiction, nonstop cravings, and all of my health issues. If you’re struggling, there’s no shame in getting support so you can get back on track… and I’ve seen so many of my clients benefit from this berberine supplement.
You 100% can think yourself into (and out of) cravings. Sugar (and simple carbs) is 8 times more addictive than narcotic drugs like crack cocaine and heroin. Sugar creates habits. Habits are reinforced physically and mentally/emotionally.
I remember thinking I should want more sugar after using green beans… when I physically didn’t. I thought I would need more food… but I wasn’t hungry or craving anymore. I had to tell myself no, you don’t need more… and then stay the heck away from more sugar. If you keep eating sugar, you’ll keep craving it.
If you try these tips – and think they won’t work – they won’t. If you think you can’t stop cravings, if you think these tips won’t work, and/or if you don’t want to try these tips, that’s a HUGE SIGN you’re physically dependent on sugar.
If you want to cancel out cravings, lose weight, and feel more healthy, energized, and confident, check out my Reset Cleanse. It balances hormones and stops cravings from coming back!
Also, sometimes you can experience mental cravings because the nervous system is stuck in fight/flight. When that happens, cortisol is released and blood sugar levels are affected – causing cravings in the process.
The only way to stop this is to balance the nervous system and reduce cortisol. The easiest and best way to do that (virtually instantly) is with somatic exercises! If you’re stressed or struggle with emotional eating then I strongly recommend my Magic Moves Somatic Exercise Program.
It works if you work it! Work it, YOU’RE worth it!
If you try these tips, please leave me a comment to let me know what helped you stop your cravings the most! I love hearing what you think and what works for you.
If you think this post could help someone you know, please share it.
Your Coach and Biggest Cheerleader
Pin this post to Pinterest so you’ll have it forever.
- This post has tips to Lose Weight. (HINT: This has nothing to do with food and exercise and everything to do with mindset shifts that are motivating. I made it for a girl I met through my YouTube channel who struggled with food cravings and binge eating, too.)
- If you feel like you can’t control your cravings, or if you’re already aware that you’re an emotional eater, binge eater, or a food addict (like I was) I have specific posts geared towards those topics.
- How to Stop Emotional Eating
- How to Stop Binge Eating
- If you don’t know if you’re a binge eater or emotional eater check out this post Am I addicted to food?
- Note: If you struggle with alcohol cravings (especially wine) check out this post that explains How to Stop Emotional Drinking. Alcohol is loaded with sugar and causes cravings.
Hi Christine, thanks for the tip on sugar cravings. I am going out today to buy green beans. I have had years of trying to loose weight since I lost my father in 1989. I am at my heaviest 20 stones (280 pounds). I need serious help now, because I really craved sugar like it was food. Your exercise on how to get rid of back fat and bra overhanging excellent!!!!!! I am going to start this also. Thank you from Johan. (London, UK)
Hi Johan! I think you’ll find the green beans to be very helpful!!! Losing a loved one, often triggers emotional eating as a way to self-sooth. (I’ve done it!) I’m really proud of you for taking steps to improve your health and lose weight. This post may help you! Check it out here::
Hi Christina.
I just read your article and it brought me back to a conversation I had with my girlfriend and husband. I was telling her how my husband is a “salt-head” and I am a “sugar-head”. She mentioned how she never really craved sugar. Then we talked about our go-to vegetables and how much I love broccoli. She said she loves green beans. So when I read your article, I thought to myself “Holy cow! No wonder she never craved sugar!” Always having a sweet tooth, you better believe I’m going to try this green bean experiment. I have some weight to lose. So I’m definitely going to give it a try. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story!
Thank you so much for your comment!! xoxo CC
These tips were helpful but your Reset Cleanse help me the most. I lose 9 pounds in a week and my cravings are gone!! Thank you!!
That is so exciting! Congrats! You can use the Anti-Cravings eBook included in the cleanse if you need to, too. The eBook’s craving killers are more powerful than the tips in this post. xo
Hi, Christina! Thanks for the valuable tips. My only question is how the green beans should be eaten: raw or boiled?
raw would be best
I enjoyed reading your article. I had NO idea that sugar was that addicting. Sugar seems so harmless. It doesn’t cost that much, you don’t need to go to a special dealer, it comes in everything we eat. Thanks for the information.
It really is! You’re welcome. xo CC
What brand of Banaba Leaf tablets do you use?
It’s by Paradise.
I started banaba leaf before I read your article. A friend of mine asked me about the banaba leaf and was it doing anything. I told her that the one thing was I was not craving sugar. She said that’s all in your head. I shared your article with her as confirmation.
awesome! It really works 🙂 xo
Hi Christina, thank u for the tip , what about snow peas ?
Snow peas will work… but not as well as green beans. But literally, anything plant-based, has fiber and nutrients and is a much better than junk. So if cravings strike and all you have are veggies, chose those – or ice water – over and above carb-age.
What about juicing green beans? What about juicing combinations of vegetables and fruit together?
You need the fiber to prevent cravings… Juice doesn’t have fiber.
Hi Iam very interested in the post but what I want to know about greeb beans is must I cook it or must I eat it raw
Both work. Raw is best but it doesn’t matter. Just eat them. 🙂
Just ordered my Banaba. I can’t wait to try it. Something has to help me. When I lost my 16 yr old daughter to Bacterial Meningitis, a few months later, I started thinking if I hurt, then I should be able to eat whatever I feel like. That was almost 10 years ago. All together I gained almost 50 lbs. now at 57, it is very hard to lose. Thanks and will keep ya posted.
I mean..the issue then becomes…I don’t want to eat green beans…I want sugar…I’m not going to want to eat green beans. Esp canned. Not a fan of canned green beans
It’s a good thing you have other options 😉 But do you want to change/get off sugar? If not, that’s ok… you have to be ready to give up sugar. (See #5) But the longer you wait to change the harder it’ll become to stop because the habit will be reinforced more. Food for thought.
Hi Christina, Thanks for the info
You’re welcome. Make sure you sign up as a CC VIP so you don’t miss any of my upcoming free trainings & workouts. Here’s a direct link for you.
Hey I’m thinking about trying out these banaba leaf supplements! What dosage did you take? I want to make sure I don’t mess with my blood sugar too much since I’m not diabetic.
Hi! Take them as directed on an as needed basis. They regulate blood sugar… not negatively affect it. Sugar does that – NOT banaba.
How often do you take the banaba tablets?
On an as needed basis : )
Hey coach Christina! This is by far one of the most informative posts I’ve read in my 24 years of life. I’m super EXCITED about putting green beans in my eating regiment (especially since I like sweets). I will also be doing the lemon water challenge. I will definitely keep you posted on my results. Thank you soo much again!
Awwww thanks! Please keep me posted on your progress xoxox CC
Christina thanks for sharing this info . I’m a grandma who has always loved sugar. I workout like a young person and have use lemon water and I use chromium picolinate what do you think of this for sugar cravings ? Doing better but not conquered!
Chromium picoliante won’t work as well as it could if you’re not absorbing it or using a bioavailable source. Processed sugars are inflammatory and can affect absorption. CP absorbs better than chromium but doesn’t really work well for people with diabetes. Banaba & green beans will always be my go-to’s for cravings. xo
I have eaten sugar most of my life. I do know that GOD has given me Power over all things. THANKS! For sharing that greens beans is the answer. I do love them as well. I have noticed that I don’t crave sweets when I eat green beans, I haven’t noticed before. But now I will. Again Thanks!!! Knowledge is POWER to Overcome.
Awesome Emma! Thanks so much for your comment. xo
Very interesting read …. Will be off tomorrow to buy green beans, I gained so much weight after a work place injury and I’m now ready to get back on track …. Thank you your arrival has inspired me ?
They work! Please keep me posted on your progress xoxo
Hi Christina. This is the first I have read or heard of you. I’m impressed. My question is Iam diabetic. I have some real craving. Will the green beans mess with my glucose. I have a hard time because I crave everything I know I shouldn’t
Hi Gracie! Green beans can help regulate glucose. It works, if you work it. The other tips will help you, too. xo CC
Hi, I just finished reading your green bean article and I’m going to try it today. I love green beans. Shirley
This will be perfect for then : )
Do raw green beans work?
Yep! Fresh, raw green beans work best because they have the most nutrients. The longer a bean is off the plant the nutrients start dying. xo CC
I’m always hunger after I eat a big meal seems like I’m still hunger ?
That sounds like a leptin/ghrelin issue.
Hi Christina, how do you prep your green beans? Steamed vs boiled etc. Right now I boil mine with a little kosher salt in the water. Also, do you have to completely cut out sugar/carbs or can you still have them on occasion? I don’t need or want to be dependent on them every single day but I would like to have them every so often. I can is there a “healthy” amount of carbs/sugar you can consume without it becoming a big addiction again.
It really doesn’t matter how you prep them. You can eat the green beans however you want. I don’t recommend cutting out sugars and carbs completely, because you have to have some carbs for normal thyroid & metabolic function. I explain the exact amount of carbs I recommend for fat loss & health in my Total Transformation program. If you’re serious about getting results, that’s the right program for you. Here’s a link for you to learn more about it:: xo Christina
Hi Christina
Thanks for the green bean tip! And so kind of you to give it for free!!
I will give this a go, l have a chronic pain condition and l have found a link as my next medication is due and the pain creeps back in l tend to go for the comfort of sugary food, but l will head for the green beans now, thanks again!
They really work! xoxo CC
I live alone and don’t cook much. I eat out a lot, but I do pretty good with calories. I really do like sweets and chocolate. I like green beans at the country buffet, but I’m not fond of canned beans. If I bought a pint of those to take home, would that be as good as the canned ones? I am going to try eating fresh green beans raw with carrot sticks and celery.
Fresh would be best but the buffet beans will work in lieu of canned & until you can have fresh beans on hand.
Looking forward to trying this. Not a big sugar eatter now but green beans I will try. Thankyou so much.
I works xo You’re very welcome 🙂
Will try and tell other
Please let us know which tip worked best for you! xo
It worked!!! Thank you!!
YAY! I’m so happy to hear my tips worked for you! Thanks for letting me know and inspiring others. xoxo CC
I tried this and IT WORKS!!! The green beans and lemon water have been a God send. I just signed up for ur reset cleanse and I can’t wait to start that. Thank you Christina.
Yay!!!! That’s why I always say, it works, if you work it. I’m so happy you did. The Reset Cleanse will help a lot, too! Please send me an email or DM on Instagram (at if you need any help or questions while rocking your Reset. XO CC
Thanks for the great idea. Boo Hoo I just put my grocery order in. I am in quarantine. Anyone have an idea to help stop salt cravings? Thanks!
Yep! Have mineral levels checked for deficiencies and imbalances. Also, drink water!
Can you do the pickled green beans in a jar?? Thanks
Fresh, raw, or frozen are best. xo
Thank you so much for these tips. I have been looking everywhere for easy ways to stop my sugar cravings. I’ve got it bad and definitely need help to control myself the minute I have cravings.
Lots of food for thought. Haha
You’re welcome xo CC
I’m so excited I stumbled across your site through pinterest! This was my first time and I already joined the love letter and vip! I can’t wait to try these out and check out the rest of the site! I’ve worked really hard on my own and lost 15 pounds, but now my weight loss has stopped and I’m trying to boost it to lose more. I’m also on my own journey to overall health and I feel like you will help me so much!
Awesome! Welcome 🙂 so happy to have you
Thanks for the info…..found out recently, I’m borderline to becoming diabetic. My doctor advised and emphasized on losing weight. Usually, not difficult to do, but with the coronavirus isolation, binge cravings have taken over. I’m starting the green beans and drinking lemon water tomorrow. THANKS.
Glad you caught it now before it’s too late!! xo CC
I am a type 2dibetic will that tablets be ok
There shouldn’t be any issues 🙂
Can I have banana leaves directly as I have them growing in my garden
The supplement is BANABA leaf not banana.
Thanks for that tip. Going to carry green beans everywhere. I was just wondering if you can help with keeping weight on with medication. I have ulcerative colitis disease and a lot of my meds gain weight. I desperately need help as I’ve been sick for 8 years now. I loose 3 kgs then blink and it’s back on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yes! Follow a low residue diet and weight train. You’re losing waste and water weight… it’s not fat/muscle. xo
i did think it was ok to eat fresh green beans?
of course it is ??
I’m so addicted to sugar I need help
These tips will help. My Reset Cleanse will help. And all of my meal plans will help.
Thanks for the info, I use to crave sugar and carb. I tried the can green beans and i felt full, the desire for sweets was no more instant.
Thank you for sharing your testimonial!! It really works so crazy fast!