Last Updated on June 9, 2022

My 30 day squat challenge targets all of the glute muscles needed to transform your butt asap –  If you want a bigger, lifted, rounder butt, you’re going to love it.  It’s pretty easy, too!  Simply follow an easy squat workout according to the schedule for 30 days.  That’s all it takes to get a noticeably lifted, round, and firm butt in 30 days flat.

My squat challenge is all about working smart, not hard…  so you can build a booty and get noticeable results without squatting a massive amount of weight.  Those types of squat challenges aren’t recommended as they can cause injuries and too much pressure on the knees and spine.  But you don’t have to worry about that when you follow my squat workout strategy for 30 days.




Here’s what the squat challenge exercises look like in motion.  Notice how I’m holding my arms out?  That helps ensure balance and stability when engaging the glute muscle groups.



To sculpt a better booty have to exercise the primary glute muscles, the gluteus maximus.  But, when you also target the medius, minimus, and maximus muscles you can get results a lot faster.

Hint:  That’s what the exercises my squat challenge target and why it works so well.

My squat challenge includes some of the best butt exercises and will help you get a noticeably better-looking butt in 30 days.  Are you in?

Press play to see me explain more and demonstrate the squat challenge exercises.



Wondering if this squat challenge gets results?

Sure does!  Read the comments after the post to see people’s results.  Here’s a breakdown of the details about why this squat challenge is so effective, easy, and do-able.


What makes this Squat Challenge so effective & perfect for women?


  • The butt exercises use bodyweight only so you don’t need any fancy equipment, machines, or gym membership. That’s awesome because you can do this squat challenge anywhere…  which is nice if you get started and have to travel or can’t make it to a gym.
  • The exercises are easy!  You don’t have to jump around, lift heavy, or worry about hurting your joints.
  • The exercises in this squat challenge focus on building a bigger booty, while avoiding building mass in the legs.  This is great if you want toned, lean, slim legs and a bigger butt – without bulking up the thighs and quads.

When you combine the exercises together using the squat challenge workout schedule (see below), you’ll burn fat and boost your metabolism. That means you’ll burn fat during the exercises and will continue to burn fat after you’re done with the challenge exercises, too!


trainer Christina Carlyle doing 5 different squat exercises and text that says Squat Challenge

Pin this Squat Challenge to Pinterest so you’ll have it forever





Exercise #1 Squat

Plie Squat being done by trainer Christina Carlyle

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms down by your sides. Keep your back neutral. Don’t arch your back and stick your butt out. Lower your butt, back and down, as if sitting back into an invisible chair. Lower as far as you can. Your knees should not extend past your toes. Keep your chest upright as you move backward. Hold for a count, then push back up to the start position to complete one rep. TIP:  Don’t let your knees go past your toes. Hold a dumbbell for more of a challenge.


Exercise #2 Squat with Back Leg Lift

Squat with back leg lift exercise being done by trainer Christina Carlyle

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Squat back and down then immediately push up and lift one leg back behind you as you can, while keeping your back as straight and upright as possible. Lower your leg back down and squat back down, quickly racking up reps. Do the same number of reps with your other leg to complete one set.  TIP:  Use a chair for balance as needed.


Exercise #3 Plie Squat

Plie Squat Exercise being done by trainer Christina Carlyle
Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with toes turned out.  This is your start position. Keeping your abs in tight and chest upright, lower your butt down, pushing into your heels. Squeeze your glutes and push back up to the start position to complete one rep.  TIP:  As you push back up pretend like you’re picking something up with your cheeks. Squeeze tight!  You can hold weights for more of a challenge, too.

Exercise #4 Squat with Side Leg Lift

Squat with side leg lift exercise being done by trainer Christina Carlyle

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Squat back and down then immediately push up and lift one leg as far up to the side as you can, keeping your back as straight and upright as possible. Lower your leg back down and squat back down, quickly racking up reps. Do the same number of reps with your other leg to complete one set.  TIP: Hold onto a chair for balance.


Exercise #5 Bridge Booty Lift

Bridge Squat Challenge Exercise being done by Christina Carlyle

Lie on your back with your feet planted flat on the floor shoulder-width apart. Rest dumbbells (or barbell) across your hips. This is your start position. Squeeze your abs and glutes, then lift your butt up and off the floor until your body forms a straight line. Lower back down to the start position to complete one rep.  TIP: Hold a dumbbell across your hips to add more resistance. You can also use resistance bands if you want, too.


Squat Schedule


Here’s the schedule to follow throughout the 30 day squat challenge.

A rep means that’s how many times you need to repeat each exercise.

A set means that’s how many rounds of the exercises you need to do.

So when I say 10 reps for 3 sets that means you need to do all 5 exercises 10 times each to complete one round or ‘set’.  Which means you’ll have to do 3 full sets to complete the squats for that day.  Make sense?

By constantly switching up the reps and sets you’ll progressively boost your glutes – without bulking your legs or hitting any plateaus.  I’ve also built in rest days… this will help you recover faster and get even better results.


30 day Squat Challenge Schedule and text that with set and rep counts and the title 30 day Squat Challenge

This squat challenge works if you work it.  Results are guaranteed when you follow the schedule and exercise instructions.  If you want, you can add ankle weights to your legs to increase the intensity.  This is optional but will boost your results.

If you work it, leave me a comment and let me know how your results turned out.

For the best results from this challenge, it’s important that you’re following a meal plan, cardio and (full body) weight training program. If you’re serious about transforming your body and getting results my programs are a must.


Your Coach and Biggest Cheerleader


Christina Carlyle


A woman in a bikini and text that says Squat Challenge Get a Bigger, Lifter Rounder Butt in 30 days flat

Don’t forget to pin this Squat Challenge to Pinterest so you’ll have it forever